The Plan

All the issues we face come from a way of thinking that turns us against ourselves, each other and the Earth. We have to rip the System out of our brains and work together to create a new reality based on a different way of thinking.

We have to disconnect to reconnect, to ourselves, each others and our planet. We have to stop living like robots and enjoy being humans again.

We need to commit to this like our life and that of all life on Earth depends on it, because it does.

The Summary

The three step plan for the Re-Generation is as follows..

Heal Ourselves

Healing the world starts by healing ourselves. We must work to reclaim our humanity and remove all the evil robot programming of the System from our beings.

Help Each Other Heal

The more people stuck in the System the more power it holds over us so we have to do everything we can to love and support each other home to freedom.

Create Heaven on Earth

Using the powers of humans and nature combined we can create fulfilling lives of joy, meaning and abundance and a world of health and wealth for everyone.

And how do we create Heaven on Earth?

Be Kind

We have to be nice to ourselves, each other and the planet like our lives depend on it, because it does.

Enjoy Life

Following all that makes our hearts sing is our GPS home to freedom.

Grow As Many Plants as Possible

The right plants in the right place can reverse the planetary crisis and create health and wealth for everyone.

Sounds simple enough? It is! It’s what we were born to do. And it feels so good that once you get started you won’t want to stop. But it is going to take our wholehearted commitment to refuse to play the games of this toxic people and planet destroying system we’ve been stuck in.

The System is the Problem

Love is the Solution

Humans are not the problem. The System that brings out the worst in us and tricks us into destroying ourselves, each other and the planet is the problem. It's time to stop living like robots and enjoy being humans again.

women forming heart gestures during daytime
women forming heart gestures during daytime
Join the Evolution

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World Evolution in Three Simple Steps

We can take the System down once and for all by stopping it defining our reality and then creating our own better reality. Each of these steps occurs simultaneously.

topless man wearing black beaded necklace and blue denim shorts standing on rocky shore during daytime
topless man wearing black beaded necklace and blue denim shorts standing on rocky shore during daytime
Step 1. Heal Ourselves

To heal the world we have to start by healing ourselves. We have to rid ourselves of all the toxic programming that tricks us into acting in ways detrimental to ourselves, each other and our planet. We then have to replace the cold hard evil robot programming with a new way of thinking based on love and respect for ourselves, each other and the Earth instead.

We've all had the evil tentacles of the System jammed in us since birth manipulating what we feel and think keeping us stuck in this miserable planet and people destroying reality. It is essential we purge ourselves of as many of these as we can so we stop unconsciously thinking and acting in ways that keep the System going.

They can be tricky to detect as we've never known a life without them. Learning to listen to how things things sit in our hearts, bodies and souls is our greatest tool in this effort. If it feels good and makes your heart sing, it's the true reality. If it creates underlying feelings of discomfort, anxiety and confusion it is a tentacle of the System messing with you and needs to go so you can live happy and free.

This can be a challenging process as we have a lifetime of relentless brainwashing to navigate and lots of wounds to uncover and heal but it is so relieving and rewarding and you will keep feeling better and better as you go.

silhouette photo of man on cliff during sunset
silhouette photo of man on cliff during sunset
Step 2. Help Everyone Else to Heal

It’s nobody’s fault we got born into a toxic system that hurts us all. Even those seemingly benefiting are suffering in their minds, bodies and souls like the rest of us. Healing ourselves from generations of built up toxicity is hard and challenging work and the more love and support we can give each other in this process the better.

The more people there are stuck in the System and doing its bidding the more power it has to keep us trapped in its reality of meanness and misery. We have to patiently but persistently try to get out as many people as we possibly can.

We do this by holding people in unconditional love and refusing to play the System's game of fear, judgment and division. The System makes us all act like jerks so let's cut each other some slack as we work our way through this. The System wins every time we turn on each other instead of it, so don't blame and shame, educate and empower instead.

selective focus photography of couple hugging
selective focus photography of couple hugging
Step 3. Create Heaven on Earth.

The most exciting part about unplugging from the System is realising that we have the power to make the world of our dreams right here, right now. The miserable and broken world we see is a product of the evil robot way of thinking. If we take actions based on a different set of assumptions an entirely different kind of reality becomes possible.

Human creativity is an unlimited resource. Love is an unlimited resource. The Earth has incredible powers of regeneration and the potential for ever renewing abundance. We can take all the best parts of being people of this planet and create deeply fulfilling lives rich with beauty, meaning and joy if we so choose. We have the power.

four boys laughing and sitting on grass during daytime
four boys laughing and sitting on grass during daytime

The Three Step Plan for World Healing

And how exactly do we heal the Earth and ourselves and have a great time as we do it? It's as simple as this.

Be Kind

Unconditional kindness to ourselves, each other and the Earth is our only way forward.

a person on a deck
a person on a deck
Enjoy Life

Feeling really truly good in our hearts, bodies and souls is our GPS home to freedom.

The right plants in the right place have the power to bring humans and planet back to flourishing.

Grow as Many Plants as Possible
man in blue crew neck shirt holding green plant
man in blue crew neck shirt holding green plant
person showing thumb
person showing thumb

The Detailed Explanation

While this plan might seem simple, it means tapping into the superpowers of humans and nature combined and can rapidly reshape our lives and the world while we all get to have a great time in the process. Everyone wins.

Be Kind

We have to be nice to ourselves, each other and the planet like our lives depend on it, because it does. We have to treat other people the way we’d like to be treated. No more and no less. Unconditional kindness is the only thing that will save us from extinction.

Easier said than done you might say. The System works by conditioning us into a highly competitive anti-social system where we are taught we have to tear each other down to pull ourselves up. However all of this fear-based conditioning can be undone. It can be washed away easier than we think because it’s just not who we are.

The fact is being a jerk just doesn't feel very good. It hurts the soul, creates disharmony around you and leaves deep dissatisfaction. Kindness however feels good to give and good to receive. It is the sweet nectar of life. Being kind to others is the most pleasurable and satisfying thing you can do for yourself. Everyone wins!

Kindness to ourselves can be a challenge when the System works hard to make us feel terrible and implant that niggling doubt into our brains there is something wrong with us and we're not enough. Well you are enough, we are all enough. You are a perfect beautiful creative intelligent expression of the Earth’s magnificence, as is everyone else. Every self loathing thought is the System at work in your brain, don't let it win!!!!

three women holding hand in front of flower garden
three women holding hand in front of flower garden

Enjoy Life

It’s time to embrace feeling good. Feeling really truly good in our minds, bodies and souls is our compass away from disaster to happy healing humans and a happy healing Earth.

We weren’t made to suffer. Our feelings evolved to give us feedback about our environment and lead us towards that which nourishes us. We’ve evolved to enjoy the things that keep us alive and connected to goodness. Life was made to feel pleasurable. Joy is our barometer to let us know we’re on the right track. There is so much sadness and anxiety these days because we’re being made to go against our fundamental natures and our hearts and souls are letting us know we’ve gone off course and calling us back home.

There is a difference between fake feel good and the things that really make us feel good. Fake feel good gives the temporary boost but no lasting satisfaction and unpleasant side effects. Fake feel good leaves you forever hungry for more. The truth feels good and right in your body. It feels satisfying. It feels expansive.

​The path of joy is the path of service. Nothing feels better than expressing our unique essence and talents in service to the whole. And by doing what we love and what we're good at, we are also of greatest service to the community. Everyone wins!

Imagine a world where instead of slaving away for things we don’t care about we put all our efforts into the things that make us come alive. How much more efficient and productive would that be! Getting more done with more fun, that’s what the Re-Generation is all about.

a little girl laying in a field of tall grass
a little girl laying in a field of tall grass

Grow as Many Plants As Possible

Plants are the foundation of our ecosystem. They provide the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink. Plants are our master tools of Earth healing.

Most of our most pressing environmental issues can be remedied by vegetation. The right plants in the right place can bring dead landscapes back to life, repair the water cycle, address climate change, free us from the exploitative economic system, reconnect communities, provide medicine and shelter, alleviate poverty, stop droughts and floods and so much more.

Plants are master adapters and engineers able to heal landscapes in the most hostile of conditions. ​Nature wants to live. Life creates the conditions for life. The plants you see bursting through the concrete are nature's repair squad in action. Given half a chance life works together to repair and restore the systems that keep us alive. Working in partnership with the plants will be our salvation.


The Re-Generation starts right now. It’s not a matter of technology, it’s a matter of belief. It’s a transformation of consciousness. We just have to wake up and come home to who and what we truly are. People of this planet with hearts and bodies and souls and feelings that need love and meaning like plants need soil.

The Earth can heal and we can heal, it’s not too late. If the Earth can survive an asteroid smash to the face, it can survive her wayward children that got confused for a while but have finally come home. We can evolve from being the destroyers to the healers of the Earth. If we believe that we can heal and the Earth can heal, then we will.

We weren’t made to live like machines. We were made to love, to dance, to create, to dream, to feel the sunshine on our skin and the sweet nectar of fruits on our lips, to give our lives in service and experience the great joy and fulfillment that comes from being part of something bigger than ourselves. What do human beings really need? To feel seen, to feel loved, to feel appreciated for who we are, to have opportunities to use our skills and imagination and creativity, to learn and to grow and to play.

It’s time to become collaborative partners in the great creative flow of evolution. Let’s make love, make art, make music, dance under the moonlight, plant seeds and watch them grow and take pleasure in how amazingly good it feels to be alive. Let’s come together to heal the Earth and ourselves and have a great time as we do it.

We are the Re-Generation and the great healing has already begun.

A woman wearing a straw hat surrounded by fruits and vegetables
A woman wearing a straw hat surrounded by fruits and vegetables

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