The Re-Generation Principles
Following these ten simple principles is our roadmap to happy healthy humans on a happy healing planet.
You Are What You Eat
Treat Other People the Way You’d Like to Be Treated
Heal Yourself to Heal the World
Educate and Empower Rather than Blame and Shame
Nourishing and Flourishing
Gratitude is the Attitude
Grow Your Own Way
Love Making is Sacred Celebration
Do What You Can With What You Have
We Are All in This Together
You Are What You Eat
Every bite you eat has profound consequences for you and the world. Food can be our best medicine or our worst poison.
The things we eat literally transform into us. Your food becomes your skin, your muscles, your blood and your bones. And if you’re eating sickness and pollution, it’s going to hurt you, there is no way around it.
If you eat toxic industrial chemicals, your body will be riddled with toxicity and sickness. If you eat healthy vibrant plants and animals grown with love, you will be a healthy vibrant human who feels great inside and out.
Industrial agriculture is currently one of the worst people and planet destroyers. Regenerative farming practices are one of the most exciting people and planet healers. Instead of communities, landscapes and people getting ripped apart and poisoned we get healing for our ecosystems, our communities, our bodies and souls and it tastes sooooooo much better! Eat the good stuff and you are transforming the world one bite at a time and will be loving every minute.
Treat Other People the Way You'd Like to Be Treated
This is the golden rule that has appeared again and again throughout the world’s cultures and religions across the ages because it is the simple secret to happy and harmonious societies and a life that feels good for you and others. Stop and think, how would you like to be treated in this situation if it was you? Do that. Would you like it if someone did that to you? If it’s no, then don’t do it. It’s that simple.
Heal Yourself to Heal the World
The inner work we all have to do to rip out the evil tentacles of the System stuck in our beings manipulating us into hurting ourselves, each other and the Earth is at the core of the Re-Generation.
The time you put into healing yourself is one of the greatest contributions you can make to the world as a whole. Doing this work to dissolve away the sabotaging patterns allows you to act in the world from a place of love and compassion, rather than fear and division.
It takes immense courage to stare into the dark and uncomfortable places and start unwinding all the layers of wounding built up over generations. The good news is by doing the work you will reach a place of joy and freedom. All the toxic and painful things can be released from your system for good. The natural state of the human being is peace and bliss. You CAN get there and you WILL get there if you have the courage to try and keep taking one step after another. You can do this!
Educate and Empower Rather than Blame and Shame
Blaming and shaming people puts them on the defensive and is the opposite of effective. We all got born into a toxic system that fed us a bunch of lies and brings out the worst in us by design. Let’s cut each other some slack as we work our way through this.
It’s not someone’s fault they don’t have the education and experience you do. You don’t know what circumstances they’ve gone through to make them think and act that way. The cure for ignorance is kindness and education.
Treat people the way you would like to be treated. Meet them where they’re at. Listen to understand their perspective, you might even learn something. Treat them as a human who is just as deserving of respect and kindness as you. Then educate and empower them and provide the space for them to learn and change and see things differently in their own way and time.
The problem is always the behaviour and not the person. Blaming and shaming each other is just another form of violence and exactly what the System want us to do. The System wins every time we turn on each other instead of it. Don't play that game!
Loving kindness works so much better to get the outcomes you want and feels better for you and everyone else.
Nourishing and Flourishing
The Re-Generation is all about feeling GOOD. And what feels good is doing the things that nourish our bodies, minds and souls. We evolved to feel good so we seek out the things that help us flourish.
Pleasuring yourself with all the joys of the human experience is good for you and good for the world. So eat good food, dance, laugh, get creative, hug someone you love, move your body in ways that feel good for you, learn new skills, have fun and enjoy the path of growth and goodness!
Gratitude is the Attitude
We live in a system that fills us with fear and lack by design with terrible consequences for us and the world. The antidote to these poisons is thinking about all there is to be grateful for. It is the quickest shortcut to feeling amazing and opening your heart to joy.
Life is a precious gift and we are so lucky just to be here and breathing! You are the product of billions of years of evolution, one unbroken chain of being stretching back to the very first living cell to emerge from the primordial soup and spark the great dance of life that continues on to this day through you. And over that immense stretch of time, through every disaster, every asteroid impact, every ice age and super volcano, your ancestors somehow managed to find a way to survive generation after generation after generation. The mighty dinosaurs got wiped out but you’re still here! You sitting right here right now is a MIRACLE! We have air to breathe and food to eat and sunshine on our skin. We have rainbows and music and every day a new morning. Life is good.
Grow Your Own Way
The world needs you to be you!!! We are each here to follow our own special path that only we can walk. The wealth of the world comes from its diversity, from trees being trees, birds being birds, dolphins being dolphins, bacteria being bacteria, each with its own special qualities to add to the whole that nothing else can bring. And so it is with human beings.
We each have our own special gifts to share with the world that only we can. Your highest joy and service comes from discovering and expressing the unique essence of who you are to its fullest potential. What makes you come alive? What makes your heart sing? What sets your soul on fire? What turns you on? Go do it!!! And by expressing your truest self and following your deepest passions you are of greatest service to the community. Everyone wins.
Love Making is Sacred Celebration
Riddling us with fear and shame regarding our sexuality is one of the key ways we’ve been kept disconnected and disempowered over the generations. It is a tragedy how many have suffered and continued to suffer, as we’ve been made to feel so much debilitating fear and shame over one of the most beautiful and important parts of the human experience.
The erotic energy is the same force that makes the flowers bloom, that attracts the moon to the Earth, that makes fruits taste so good. It is the gravity that attracts one thing to another to combine energies and be transformed. Love making is a beautiful and sacred act that connects us to each other and a greater power. The human body was built for pleasure and tapping into the erotic life force can be a tremendous source of power, creativity and vitality. As long as it’s coming from a place of respect and consent and you’re not hurting anyone, have fun and enjoy this beautiful gift of life the way you were born to. That is an evolutionary act of healing for us all!
Do What You Can With What You Have
It can seem overwhelming contemplating changing the ginormous systems of the world when you’re only just one human. But all these huge systems were created by people just like you and me, talking to each other, using their hands. Thus they can be changed by people like you and me talking to each other and using our hands.
The key is to think global, act local. While you might not personally be able to take down the industrial food system, you can start shopping at your local farmer’s market and resolve to only support small businesses doing things with love as much as you can. While you might not personally be able to end discrimination, you can treat every person you meet with kindness, listen and learn from other perspectives and intervene the best you can when you see unkind and unfair things taking place. One raindrop raises the sea. All the little things have ripple effects that build up to create a tsunami.
Rome wasn’t built in a day but was the cumulation of the thinking and efforts of so many different people spread across time and space coming together to make something beyond the sum of the parts. Make the changes and take the actions available to you right now. Add things over time. Learn and experiment and keep learning and experimenting. And step by step, day by day, all will be changed. And all shall be well.
We Are All in This Together
Everyone is wanted and everyone is needed in this great effort to heal ourselves and the Earth and have a great time as we do it. It’s the party where everyone is invited.
We all breathe the same air. We all drink from the waters and eat from the soil. Everything is indivisibly connected to everything else on this planet. What hurts one hurts us all. Nobody can escape the consequences of our actions and it is nobody’s interest to have an uninhabitable dead planet.
The task of planetary regeneration requires a fundamental transformation in every aspect of our current ways of living. Everyone holds a unique piece of the puzzle in this great work. There is so much to be done and the more people we have on board using their unique skills and energy to bring about the Re-Generation the more rapidly the great transformation will occur.
If we are to survive and come through the other side of the crisis we have to finally understand we are all humans of this Earth and share a common destiny. We can’t be separated by our petty differences anymore. We are all people of this planet and we live and die as one. So let’s do it humanity! Let’s hold each other in love and kindness as we find our way out of the darkness into the beautiful new dawn calling us home. Heaven on Earth is ours for the creating.
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